Thursday, March 24, 2011

City Kid/Suburb Kid

Continuing with our Me on the Map unit we did a compare/contrast activity between city kids, surburb kids, and country kids.  I used The City Kid & the Suburb Kid as one of my read alouds.  It is one of those double stories--1 story that ends at the middle of the book, then flip the book over to begin a new story that ends at the middle of the book.  It shows two very different lives through illustrations, yet very similar lives through nearly identical text.  The kids gave it rave reviews.

Autobiography Art

Our genre focus in February was biographies.  In addition to writing their autobiographies, the kids made these self potraits.   I had a parent trace their sillouettes and then the kids used magazines to cut out pictures and words representative of their lives.  Check out a few other examples under the Art Gallery tab.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

We are beginning our Me On the Map unit and the kids are lovin' it! (Thank you for the great ideas Jessica Meacham!  Mrs. Meacham's Classroom Snapshots.)  So far we've created our mini-me's, sketched our bedrooms, and analyzed a set of school blueprints.  During our Read to Someone time the kids are sprawling out across the room to investigate a variety of maps which they find fascinating.

Word Work Activity:I Can Read & Write 100 Words on Maps